PRE mare
born: 30.07.2014
Mother: Enamorada
Father: Bruto II
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Our horses are born in the herd and grow up with free with otheres – sothey can learn from the older ones.
Even the best training can never give them what they get from the social life. They get strong, they get confident and learn to respect – basics for any good horse!
Here some moments from the youngsters
high summer in Andalusia is going by now and we start our trail season again …
Andalusia in one week on hosre back: Sandy beaches, pine forrest, opened fields, beauty horses and black bulls, lost mountains and protected natural parcs
we have for any wish, experience and condition the right program ( please check the complete description of the programs here on this website)
Here we give you an overview of the still free places of the long trails :
Schnuppertrail 11.09.16 – 18.09.16
Zaharatrail 24.09.16 – 01.10.16
Schnuppertrail 25.09.16 – 02.10.16
Zaharatrail 01.10.16 – 08.10.16
Schnuppertrail 09.10.16 – 16.10.16
Rondatrail 16.10.16 – 23.10.16
Schnuppertrail 23.10.16 – 30.10.16 ( for complete group)
Rondatrail 30.10.16 – 06.11.16
Zaharatrail 05.11.16 – 12.11.16
Schnuppertrail 13.11.16 – 20.11.16
for any questions feel free to send a mail
we are waiting for you…
weite Sandstraende, schattige Pinienwaelder, offene Weiden mit den bekannten schwarzen Stieren, unendliche Felder und krasse Berglandschaften unter Korkeichenwaeldern – Andalusien bietet einem jeden Tag eine andere Landschaft !! Und unsere Pferde zeigen sie Euch aus der schoensten Perspektive…
noch haben wir auf einigen Touren freie Plaetze:
ZAHARATOUR: 30.07.16 – 06.08.16 oder 27.08.16 – 03.09.16 oder 01.10.16 – 08.10.16
RONDATOUR: 29.05.16 – 05.06.16 oder 04.09.16 – 11.09.16 oder 16.10.16 – 23.10.16
We have for our Rondatrail a special date ( saturday to saturday)
23.04.16 – 30.04.16
it is a confirmed trail with free places on….